The RHINO (this name was given to it due to its lookalike) is a very small revolver manufactured, by now in limited quantities, by the italian firm of THEMA. Engineered by the notorious inventor EMILIO GHISONI, and first seen in 2003, during the EXA 2003 gun expo, is a .357-Magnum, 6-rounds revolver with an only 2" long barrel and a total lenght of 160 Millimeters. It is made in ERGAL, the grippings are interchangeable and very ergonomic to grab. The total widht of the weapon is 35 Millimeters, and the aiming line is of 107 Millimneters only. The barrel is placed DOWNSIDE, such as in the russian NOSOROG combat revolver.
Photo and information from: PIERANGELO TENDAS
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